Height adjustable school furniture

Fluctus created the adjustable school furniture together with Climop. This furniture is fully adjustable and ergonomically suitable for children aged 4-12. For the large seating and table surfaces a sustainable solution of bioplastic is chosen. Because the furniture "grows" with the pupil, this has a huge logistical advantage for schools, because they no longer need to have different sized sets of furniture in stock.

Fluctus is responsible for concept design, engineering and is co-owner of the patented design. This product is available for licensing; the contact persons are Steven Krol (Climop) and / or Gertjan Drent (Fluctus).


Our competencies

1_BC_Concept Development

Concept Development

As designers we do not initially believe that it is possible to make an attractive chair that is adjustable for 4-12 years old in primary school. Until we start sketching and make a first 1: 1 model!

2_BC_Product Design

Product Design

The patented constructive adjustment system forces us to be creative with the shaping possibilities.


Product Engineering

Because of strength and the recycling possibilities, these classic materials steel and aluminium gain from bioplastic in this application.

3_BC_Prototype & Testing

Prototyping & Testing

The prototypes can be used for promotional purposes and teach us on which points the design still needs to be improved.
