CRACKR 3D Crack Monitoring Sensor

The Crackr is a product for online monitoring of buildings where cracks have formed, or for monitoring expansion joints.

The two parts of the Crackr are applied on either side of the crack

We have designed the two parts of this product to mount with the correct initial distance from each other. The orange spacer is removed after both parts are screwed to the wall.

A set of shims can be used if there is an uneven surface.

StabiAlert has placed a number of magnetic sensor elements in a specific array above a magnet. Using mathematical algorithms, three vectors are calculated that show the 3D movement of a crack. The CrackR wakes up at an adjustable measurement interval and transmits the collected sensor data. In this way, the battery can last up to ten years, depending on the interval. By using the sensors, the costs are significantly reduced.


Our competencies

1_BC_Concept Development

Concept Development

Deliver a concept within 3 weeks including a prototype for presentation at the Intergeo fair in Hannover. A challenge that we took on together with client StabiAlert! Thanks to the short intermediate sprints between team and customer, a strong concept was created within a few days.

2_BC_Product Design

Product Design

The design is an integrated part of the design. After creative brainstorming, various concepts were presented in the form of sketches and 3D prints. These concepts were then tested against the main requirements like easy installation and understanding how the product works. This elongated shape was deliberately chosen because of the similarity in shape with the classic non-electronic solution in which rulers moving over each other for visual inspection.


Product Engineering

The chosen design is then further detailed; the exact positions of the PCBs have been determined and the removable spacer has been optimized.
The choice of wall screws has even taken into account that the drilled holes can sometimes be a few millimeters wrong.

3_BC_Prototype & Testing

Prototyping & Testing

The aim of the project was to deliver a prototype for the INTERGEO fair in Hanover. Partly due to the fast turnaround time, it was decided to use Fluctus' in-house 3D printers. These 3D print models are then processed and varnished for a beautiful appearance.

5_BC_3D & Product Visualization

Product Visualization

Fluctus has created photo-realistic images based on the 3D files of the product. These were used to create the spec. sheets, so that they could be ready before a prototype can be photographed.
